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Why Choose


Real-time Analysis

Get instant summaries and insights from SEC filings, processed and analyzed as they're released.


Smart Filtering

Filter filings by classification, market segment, keywords, sentiment, and price sensitivity.


Custom Alerts

Set up personalised email alerts based on your criteria and never miss important filings.

How It Works

SEC Filings can be complex and time-consuming

Corporate filings are often lengthy and filled with complex legal and financial terminology, making them challenging to analyze quickly.

  • Formats vary wildly often making it difficult to understand what's going on
  • Often there is a reliance on discussion forums to help interpret filings
  • Without knowing which companies to monitor, it's easy to miss investment opportunities
Original PDF

Intelligent Document Analysis

Our AI analyzes each filing and breaks it down into standardized sections including Summary, Sentiment Scale, Highlights, and more.

  • Automatic classification system:
    Better than Expected
    Worse than Expected
    Capital Raising
  • Sentiment analysis: Scale 1-10 with explanation
  • Key information extraction: Summary, Highlights, Positives, Negaqtives, Risks, Future Outlook, Management Comments, Industry Context, Next Steps, Key Dates, and more
Document Analysis

Personalized Alerts

Set up custom notifications and receive instant alerts when matching filings are released.

  • Notifications are emailed to you (mobile app coming soon!)
  • Set alerts for specific filings such as "Better than expected results for any company with keywords 'Lithium' or 'Rare Earth' (key words are substantially what the filing is about, not just simple text matching), and sentiment score of at least 8"
  • Receive notifications in near real-time

Alert System Setup
Alert Notification

Filter Filings

Quickly find the filings that matter to you.

  • Filter by classification, market segment, keywords, sentiment, and price sensitivity
  • Optionally limit the filter to your followed companies only
  • Results returned by date in descending order, or by sentiment

Share Filings

Share summarised filings without limitations.

  • The share function generates a unique link
  • Paste it into your email or messaging app
  • Anyone with the link can view this document without signing up
Document Sharing